
Elf on TheraPlate at Traumhof

Several years ago (2011) we purchased a TheraPlate to help the rehab horses at Traumhof maintain muscle tone and bone density and to help them recover from various injuries. We have been very pleased with the results, not only for these purposes but even more so in other areas. For example, it has helped us resolve many mild colics (and some that appeared quite serious) with little or no vet intervention. It has also helped reduce abcess recurrences in horses with a long history of chronic abcesses, healed hoof granulation where nothing else has helped, and accelerated hoof growth in multiple cases.

Because we believe so strongly in its benefits, and want as many people (and more importantly, horses) as possible to have access to it, we started helping to distribute and support them. Please visit our Team TheraPlate site for more information and to sign up for a free two-week demo at your farm or home!

TheraPlate Booth at Dressage at Devonwood 2014
Lily enjoying the TheraPlate

Contact Jessica Lyman at or 206-300-8702 for more information.